Friday, April 18, 2014

April 22nd is Earth Day!

Earth Day
 is a nationally recognized event designed to inspire awareness and appreciation for the environment. Many of our customers have expressed interest in launching sustainable and environmentally-friendly initiatives to support the movement on an on-going basis. One way to reduce carbon footprint, cut down on waste and build sustainability into daily operations is by using environmentally friendly window coverings. American Draperies & Blinds is committed to environmentally friendly, safe, nontoxic materials!
In honor of Earth Day, we're offering two promotions over the month of April:

• 20% off all eco-friendly draperies (discount code: SALE20) + free shipping!
• Tree with purchase- with each eco-friendly product ordered from our company, we will plant a tree on behalf of the purchaser through the National Arbor Day Foundation which is replanted in our nation’s forests; to date, we have planted 500 trees!
To learn about our earth-friendly bamboo, hemp and organic cotton drapes, check out our selection here. Your purchase of our American sourced and constructed green draperies and rods directly helps the environment:
• Eliminates emissions and VOC’s
• Stops the contamination in soil, air and the water supply
• Supports a system of sustainable agriculture

American Draperies & Blinds are proud members of the Arbor Day Foundation, the Organic Trade Association and the USGBC (U.S. Green Building Council).